
Walking Group Gold Coast

Walking Group Gold Coast

I started the “Let’s Walk Gold Coast” walking group because I found that many of my clients wanted to improve their fitness but didn’t enjoy walking alone.

Walking is beneficial to both our physical health and mental well-being. When we become fitter, get outside in the fresh and air have someone to be accountable to, we become much happier people overall.

Staying fit improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones, reduces excess body fat and increased strength and endurance.

The “Let’s Walk Gold Coast” group can be found on Facebook where weekly walks are announced. Most of our walks are in the Mermaid Beach and Mermaid Waters area, but we encourage you to start your own walks in your local area and post updates to the group so we can support you from afar.

All fitness levels are welcome. Feel free to bring your dog. They must be social and on a lead at all times and don’t forget to bring doggie bags for you know what!

Walk is:
▶️ on Saturdays at 7 am, BSKT Cafe – Nobby Beach
BONUS: fill out this form and get our mobilisation video: https://forms.gle/4DuzxDamsvXfmtgS6 
See you there!  AFGC Wellness Studio – Andi Rehab
 Come with me to walk and chat!😊 🙌


Learn More at our Facebook Page!