Holistic Health and Movement
The Metabolic Typing Diet
Metabolic Typing Diet is based on the concept that metabolism—the processes the body uses to convert food into energy, like breathing and digesting food—is different for everyone
What is the Metabolic Typing Diet?
The concept of metabolic typing dates back to the 1930s when Weston Price, a Canadian dentist, travelled around the world to study the link between modern eating habits and chronic degenerative diseases. He found that there wasn’t a single diet that was ideal for everyone due to variation in climate, local produce, environmental conditions, heredity, genetics, and culture.
There is no single diet that works for everyone.
The Metabolic Typing Diet suggests that people can be divided into three different metabolic types and that they should eat according to those types.
There are different types of Metabolic Typing diets. We are delighted to be able to offer a full assessment and nutrition plan based on your body’s needs.
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Generally speaking, if you’re a carbo type you need a higher percentage of carbohydrates in your diet in order to strengthen the parasympathetic branch of your nervous system. This is weaker than your sympathetic system and thereby alkalinise your too-acid metabolism. Alternatively you may need more carbohydrates to speed up your naturally slow cellular oxidation rate, bringing it into balance by acidifying your too-alkaline metabolism.
Carbo types typically do well on a low-fat relatively low-protein diet – one that includes liberal amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. However, carbo types need to remember that a “low protein” diet does not mean a “no protein” diet. In fact, most carbo types will find that they need to include protein at most meals, but they need to focus on leaner, lighter meats, seafood and poultry than protein types. They should restrict their consumption of red meat in favour of light meat chicken and turkey and lighter seafood such as haddock, cod, perch, sole, catfish and flounder.
If you’re a carbo type you should stick to low-fat dairy products, but you can eat a wide selection of vegetables, fruits and grains. Many carbo types, like protein types, do best by focusing on vegetables that contain low or moderate levels of sugar and starch.
If you’re a mixed type, it means you’re somewhere in the middle of the other two types, which have more pronounced or clear-cut metabolic imbalances.
You actually need to eat a mixture of protein type foods and carbo type foods. This will accomplish two things;
- It will support both sides of your autonomic nervous system – both the sympathetic branch and the parasympathtic branch and
- It will keep your cellular oxidation rate, which is neither too fast or too slow, in balance.
Mixed types need to consume relatively equal ratios of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They also need to eat a mixture of high-fat, high-purine proteins and low-fat, low-purine proteins. The same applies to all of the other foods contained on the protein type and carbo type diets – including grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
If you are a protein type it means one of two things – either your cells tend to burn carbohydrates too quickly (meaning you’re a fast oxidiser) or the parasympathetic branch of your autonomic nervous system is stronger and more dominant than the sympathetic branch. This means you need a high-protein intake in order to strengthen your sympathetic system and in turn acidify your too-alkaline metabolism. Alternatively you need protein to slow down your overly rapid cellular oxidation rate, thereby alkalinising your too-acid metabolism.
Protein types do very well on a diet that includes plenty of high-density, high-fat proteins known as “high-purine” proteins. These include foods like red meat, dark meat, chicken and turkey and various kinds of seafood such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, mussels, caviar and anchovies. Most protein types can also eat freely of whole fat foods in the form of cheese, eggs, cream and milk. It’s especially important for protein types to include a significant amount of protein at every meal, and to moderate their intake of carbohydrates (grains, vegetables and fruits) especially the carbohydrates that are high in sugar and starch.
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