
Meal ideas how to lose weight fast


Thank you for saying yes, to committing to your healing and weight loss journey with me, I am so excited to share with you the latest and most powerful tools for eliminating stress, healing your digestion, elimination, slimming out your tummy and developing not just phenomenal abdominals but deep core strength in all aspects of your life. I know that even if you do just 80% of what I give you here you will see results that will continue to support you this lifetime.

Diet will focus on clearing out your digestive organs such as your liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, re-acidifying your stomach and supporting digestion, supporting elimination with high fiber diet, managing stress so we can get your body into fat burning mode with key supplements and your healthy lifestyle.

Foods such as eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar, processed foods, GMO foods, and medicated factory farmed meats, and all alcohol all feed bad microbes and parasites and are not included in this plan. You can add them back in after if you want but in order to get the most out of this, I would suggest keeping them out for this time.

This is where we will add in the parasite drops Defend by Conscious Planet, as well as water kefir to start the process of growing more good bacteria in our guts and killing off parasites and bad bacteria.

Basic Housekeeping Health Essentials:

1. Water: Drink 3-4 liters of water a day ideally spring or filtered with a filter that alkalizes and remineralizes it as well.

2. 2. Spices: We will use lots of spices instead of sauces. We will focus on these spices as they are fantastic for killing off the bad guys, re-programming the palette, and balancing blood sugar.

3. Food: We are focusing on plant-based meals, ideally 75% plant-based.

4. Portions: You can forget calorie counting or measuring, to me this is all forms of control and thinking your way through life. I want you to tune into how you feel at every meal and use your body wisdom to tell you how much you need to eat~ go b your fullness factor. Ideally, it is great if you have lunch as your biggest meal, eat until you are 80% full.

5. Sleep: This is crucial for fat loss, you really need to be sleeping. If you don’t sleep you won’t see results and burn fat as all fat burning occurs in deep delta sleep. Try and go to bed at 10pm, as 10pm-2am are the most healing hours of sleep.

Wake up: 2 cups water then make green juice or smoothie

For a smoothie: Blend 4 stalks celery, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/2 organic whole lemon, 1/2- 1 cup water ~ blend on low then high for a few mins and drink it all in your morning. Celery juice is essential for this as it will rebuild digestive juices and clear out your liver and small intestine. 

For a juice: one or two bunches celery, 2 lemons, big piece of ginger: juice and enjoy!

Lunch Recipes
Pre-make your savoury vegan biscuits or flatbread and have it all week:


· 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

· 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

· 1/2 cup hempseeds

· 1/2 cup Flaxseeds

· 1 1/2 cup unmodified potato starch~ this is a “resistant” starch not processed like a carb at all, it actually heals blood sugar and feeds good bacteria in your gut

· 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

· 1/2 cup coconut oil

· 4 tbsp Lakanto or sugar substitute

· 1/2 cup ACV or water kefir

· 1/2 tsp real salt

· 1 cup coconut milk

· 1 cup waterFew tbsp of spices to taste like oregano, rosemary, sage, Turmeric and any others you may like.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Blend seeds, baking powder and spices with liquid ingredients in a blender until blended well stopping to scrape down sides a few times, then transfer to bowl and stir in potato starch, adding bits of water if needed~ batter will be quite thick.
3. Pour into greased muffin tin or spread out thin on a baking sheet and bake for around 30- 40 minutes
4. Please watch your oven, it might take more or less time — when my biscuits were ready the tops were cracked, edges were a bit golden and the inside was close to a glutenous bread consistency. The flatbread edges will lift up and be slightly golden.

For soups: if you are not a vegetarian I would suggest making all your soups with a bone broth base, it’s incredibly healthy and healing to the gut as it’s high in collagen, choline and amino acids and cheap to make. Make sure to only use non medicated bones from healthy animals. I find chicken bones at my health food store for $3.00 a pack!

Just place bones in a bunch of water with some garlic and onion and simmer for 24 hours, drain then let cool, skim off the fat from the top. I used to dismiss the power of bone broth but then I really started committing to healing my gut after struggling so long and the improvements in my skin, nails, hair, sleep, digestion and metabolism were undeniable!

Pre-make your soups and use them for a few days in a row or freeze the rest for later an try a new one! Soup ideas:
1. Anti-inflammatory: 2 tbsp turmeric root, 1 tbsp black pepper, 1 tbsp fresh ginger, 1 tsp thyme, 1 tsp sea salt, 1 can full fat coconut milk, 3 cups broth of choice, 2 chopped leeks, 2 cups broccoli, 1.5 cups organic chicken or black beans( lentils and chickpeas are lower in FODMAPS)~ simmer for 1 hour then serve with chopped cilantro and hemp seeds.

2. Creamy Cumin: 2 tbsp cumin, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp thyme, 1 chopped lime, 1 can full-fat coconut milk, 3 cups broth of choice, 2 cups green beans, 2 chopped leeks, 1.5 cup organic chicken or chopped organic tofu~ simmer for 1 hour then serve garnished with broccoli sprouts and more fresh lime juice.

3. Lentil Curry: 2 tbsp curry powder, few dashes garam masala, 1 dash cayenne, 1 tsp sea salt, 1 tbsp fresh ginger, 1 chopped onion, 1 cup butternut squash(or spaghetti squash for lower FODMAPS), 1 cup dry red lentils, 1 can full fat coconut milk, 2 cups broth of choice, 2 tbsp organic tomato paste~ simmer for 1 hour then serve with 2 tbsp hemp seeds and chopped cilantro on top.

4. Parasite Purge: 2 tbsp fresh horseradish, 1 cup green onion, 2 tbsp fresh ginger, 4 cloves garlic, 1 tsp cloves, 1 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp cayenne, 1 tsp thyme, 1 can full-fat coconut milk, 3 cups broth of choice, 2 cups chopped organic celery, 2 cups frozen spinach, 1.5 cup organic lamb or wild game meat or tempeh~ simmer for 1 hour then serve with a squeeze of lemon and broccoli sprouts.

For salads: Always eat your salad first and have lettuce on hand, pre-washed that you can tear easily or chop for salads. Try and get arugula as it’s great for hormones, add cilantro for heavy metal detoxing, broccoli sprouts which are high in sulphorophane, DIM and I3C which all bring down bad estrogens and support antioxidants in the body.

If you feel like you need more fat, add some avocado or extra virgin olive oil or hemp seed oil. Stay away from vinegars in this part of the plan as it can feed bad yeasts and cause bloating.

After Lunch: A great way to keep your blood sugar stable and your body detoxing is drinking chia water with fresh lemon. Do about 1 tsp chia seed in 1-2 glasses water with half fresh lemon squeezed into it. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon and stevia for a bit more flavour. This will help with cravings, stress, energy dips, hydration and keep your body in fat burning mode.

Before your next meal do 5 drops oil of oregano in water

Afternoon snack: Around 3 or 4 pm when you’re energy dips this is a great time to have some healthy carbs, a bit of fat and protein and do the every day stress-busting ritual again as well. This will improve mood, take away cravings and improve sleep.

At this time you can do a smoothie bowl, a piece of fruit with cinnamon sprinkles on it or some dark chocolate:

Ideal fruit to eat + 1/4tsp true cinnamon on top: organic banana, orange, a honeydew or cantaloupe(my choice), 1/2 a papaya and 1.5 cup wild blueberry, strawberries or raspberry are low FODMAPS, or pear, pink grapefruit if these don’t bother you (higher FODMAP).

Smoothie bowls: blend 1.5 cup of frozen fruit such as frozen wild blueberries(ideal, make sure they are wild) mango(high FODMAP), papaya, raspberries, 2 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 big tbsp true (ceylon) cinnamon, raw honey or stevia for sweetness, 1 tsp vanilla, just enough water to not cover fruit in blender~ blend on low for 1 min then high for 2-3 mins. Eat with a spoon.

Chocolate: My fave chocolate is Lindt 90% dark as it’s very low in sugar, I have about 4 squares when I am craving it. If you can’t find that one go for one that has 4 grams or sugar or less or you can make your own, here is a great chocolate recipe:

· 1/2 can coconut milk full fat

· 3/4 cup raw cacao or organic cocoa powder

· touch of vanilla

· 1/3 cup coconut oil- NOTE: if you want to make a harder chocolate use cacao butter or cocoa butter

· 3-5 tbsp lakanto all depending on how sweet you like it
Mix all ingredients in blender then pour onto flat baking sheet and freeze for 2 hours. Leave some out for chocolate sauce if you like. You’re welcome xox

Dinner: This week will always be a stirfry or a savoury gruel. If you’re not sensitive to FODMAPS serve dinner with either cauliflower rice or cauliflower mash mock potatoes.

NOTE: for those of you with very severe gut function(extreme gas, bloating, constipation, lack of sleep, nervousness, adrenal fatigue, sensitive to FODMAPS, bad skin,) I would suggest doing the savoury gruel at night, at least for this first week. This will rebuild you elimination system while bringing hydration and minerals into your small intestine, really helping to calm your nervous system, enhance your sleep as you eliminate glycoprotein(mucus) that has accumulated on your intestinal wall.

Only use seed like grains of millet, quinoa, amaranth or a combo, slow cooked for about 2 hours in broth with leafy veggies of choice, then you can do a half cup of spaghetti squash or sweet potato when serving as well, and spices (ceylon cinnamon is great!). It is so simple to make and very soul soothing and will totally bring back your faith in your body’s ability to heal.

Slow cooking the seed grains into a gruel is important, so don’t skimp on the 2-3 hours on a low temp. This makes is incredibly digestible for an impaired gut. Do 1 part grain to two parts broth, then add veggies in the last hour with some more water. Make sure to check it after an hour so it doesn’t burn. Season however you wish, serve with some coconut oil, cilantro, avocado or hemp seeds when serving, apart from the name, it’s really tasty!

Carb Cycling

This is a great way to ensure your metabolism doesn’t slow down when dieting and losing weight. It is also great for tricking your body out of adaptation and giving you an energy boost if you’re feeling a bit depleted right now.

Carb Cycling Recipes

Overnight Oats:
This is one of my faves, it is so incredibly yummy it tastes like a cheat. Take 1 cup of high fiber organic oats and pour hot water over it, let it sit for 10 mins, then 1/4 cup chiaseed, some 2/3 cup coconut milk full fat, 5 tbsp lakanto, 2 big tbsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp sea salt and vanilla and 1 cup wild blueberries. Place in fridge for overnight then serve when desired. This makes a great mid afternoon snack with some hemp seeds on top.

Baked Herbed Veggies:
Try and get all these organic if possible. Prehead oven to 350 degrees, then chop equal amounts of sweet potato, eggplant, red onion, peppers, beets, rutabagas, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Toss in coconut or avocado oil then season well with sea salt, thyme, oregano, sage, black pepper~ bake on a pan for about 50 mins and serve with some quinoa and hemp seeds.

Sweet Potato Quinoa Salad:
Pack this baby for lunches or dinners! Cook 2 cups quinoa with some broth of choice, steam 2 sweet potatoes until soft, then chop and add to quinoa with 1 cup chopped red onion, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp garam masala spice, few drizzles of olive oil, 1 tbsp sea salt and 1/2 cup chopped cilantro.

Coconut Curry Squash Sautee:
This is a great lunch or dinner idea as well. Chop and peel 1 butternut squash, then steam until soft. In a skillet heat up 2 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 cup coconut milk fat, 2 tbsp curry, 1 tbsp turmeric, 2 tbsp fresh chopped ginger, 1 clove garlic~ simmer for a few mins until fragrant then add 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup chickpeas, 1 cup quinoa, and 1 cup chopped red onion~ simmer for a few mins then add squash, season again if desired and simmer for a few mins. Serve with cauliflower rice and fresh lime.

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe :

  • 2 cups of coconut milk, unsweetened
  • ½ cup Chia seeds
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup Lakanto Golden, or sub with      Erythritol or raw honey)
  • 1 tsp true cinnamon
  1. For Blended/Smooth version: Place      all ingredients in blender and blend on high for 1-2 mins until completely      smooth.
  2. For Whole Chia Seed version: Blend      all ingredients except chia seeds in a blender until smooth (including any      added flavours, fruits, or chocolate). Whisk in chia seeds.
  3. Pour mixture into a jar or glass      container and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight      to let gel.

Here are some flavours you can use! (Optional):

  • Chocolate: Add 1/c cup cocoa      powder to the blended version of this recipe and/or add chocolate      flavoured stevia
  • Strawberry: Add 1/2 cup fresh      strawberries to the blended recipe or blend fresh strawberries into a      juice and use as part of the liquid in the whole chia seed recipe
  • Chai: Add 1 teaspoon ground      cinnamon powder and a pinch of cardamon and cloves for a chai flavor.
  • NB&J: Add 3 Tablespoons      each of organic cashew butter and pureed fruit of choice. Fold into      pudding.
  • Pecan Pie: Add 1/2 teaspoon      of ground cinnamon powder to the base recipe and an optional 1/2 teaspoon      of almond extract. Mix 1/2 cup of chopped toasted pecans into the finished      pudding.

Keep pairing your lunches with salads, try and get some broth in every day, try and eat as many veggies a day as possible, keep doing your morning practice of water, green drink, then the shake as your first meal.

New Low Carb Recipes!

Avocado Pudding:

· 1 avocado

· 1/2- 3/4 cup raw cacao

· 1/2 cup coconut milk fat from can

· 1 sc chocolate vegan protein powder or 3tbsp shelled hemp seeds with 1 tbsp raw cacao

· 1-3 tbsp Lakanto all depending on how sweet you like it
Blend well until smooth and enjoy! If it’s too thick just add a bit more coconut milk. Makes about 2-3 servings.

This is made with cauliflower rice- steam or simmer shredded cauliflower for a few mins then toss with a bit of miso for a touch of flavour.

You will need nori sheets and a sushi roller(optional) and long slices of cucumber, avocado, peppers, sprouts, smoked tofu, shrimp or smoked salmon if you wish.

Spread sushi rice on 3/4 of sheet leaving one side end bare, then layer the other end with the toppings, just on about 1/5th widthwise not lengthwise. once you have placed the toppings you desire, then roll starting with toppings end, all the way to the bare end. Seal the bare end with a bit of juice from sauerkraut.

Serve sushi with my fave sauce: Blend 1 tbsp ginger, 1 clove garlic, 1 tbsp sesame seeds with a bit of coconut aminos & juice of sauerkraut~ it’s so freakin good!!

Fajita Bowl: this makes about 2-3 servings Cook 1 lb. organic chicken or tempeh with fajita seasoning: 1 Tbsp. chili powder, 2 tsp. onion powder, 1 tsp. cumin powder, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. paprika, 1 tsp. oregano, 1 tsp. salt Then saute veg with:

· 1 red pepper, sliced into strips

· 1 yellow pepper, sliced into strips

· 1 chopped onion

· 1 large clove garlic, thinly sliced

· 1 Tbsp. coconut aminos
Salt and pepper to taste. Once both dishes are cooked spoon and serve over 2 big handfuls of mixed greens, 1 cup cauliflower rice, thinly sliced green onions, 1/4 cup cilantro, and 1/2 avocado thinly sliced.

Pesto Fettuchini: Start by making the pesto:

· 2 packed cups fresh basil leaves

· 1/2 cup good quality extra virgin olive oil

· 1/2 cup soaked cashews(at least 2 hours)

· 2 tbsp sesame seeds

· 1/3 cup walnuts

· 3 garlic cloves, minced

· Salt and pepper to taste
Put all ingredients into food processor and blend until desired~ add salt and pepper to taste. Make a bigger batch if you want more:) Then prep noodles:

· spiralled zuchinni noodles~ as much as you like

· 1 cup crumbled organic tofu
Cook noodles for a few mins in hot boiling water or a bit of broth for a few mins, then drain and toss with other ingredients and enjoy!

Remember to pair your lunches with a big salad and or broth or soups; leafy greens and bone broth are very important in the detox process. Keep trying to eat as many veggies as possible and using your body wisdom by eating just until you are about 60-80% full (taper this down as your day goes on)~ not stuffed.

Introducing Intermittent Fasting!

This isn’t going to be for everyone, those of you with severe blood sugar issues may not be ready for this. Use your better judgement and your body wisdom, you can always implement this in the future, once your blood sugar is more stable and you are able to go without food for a bit.

This is a very powerful tool for stripping fat off the body as well as lowering your “set point” which is the point your body plateaus in fat burning and weight loss. Your set point is what inhibits moving past your plateau, so when we consistently lower this you will see the results you have always wanted.

There are a few types of IMF, but the one we will implement will be fasting for about 16-20 hours with a 4-8 hour feeding window. The goal of the fast is to decrease insulin production and stimulate lipolysis and increase metabolic rate, reducing the need for the body to make as much insulin in every day life, as well as your need to eat as much. This is a great way to reduce your cravings and emotional eating, as it balances your blood sugar and helps give all your digestive organs a rest and reset.

The feeding window is used to increase the activity of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (or the Rest-and-Digest system), which will help increase the absorption of glucose and assist with recovery. This also increases insulin sensitivity, human growth hormone and many other benefits on the digestive system. This is only to be done for 1 week, then 1 or 2 weeks break, otherwise prolonged fasting can slow the metabolism/thyroid down.

The best way I like to do this is:

· Prep your next day fast by eating dinner at 7pm then don’t eat after that so you’re going to bed with a fairly empty tummy

· Count your 8 hours of sleep as part of the fast, then another 8-12 hours without regular food

· Try doing just 16 hours fasting when just starting out, then slowly increase this window to 20 hours if you can

Duing The Fast Period:

· Drink as much bone broth as you like

· A celery/kale smoothie is good

· Chia water with lemon is also good

To Break Your Fast:

· Late lunch or dinner will be your time to eat all depending on the time frame you chose to fast

· Eat until you’re satisfied but do not stuff yourself so much you get a tummy ache, just eat until you feel full and happy, not sick.

· Eat enough healthy fats, veggies, proteins, and minimise the carbs mostly, this will give you the BEST results

· Space out your next meal by 4 hours later~ eat this until you’re satisfied as well and that is all

· No snacking after that~ if you are hungry do another kale/celery smoothie or some greens powder in water

· Calories don’t matter in these meals, what matters is how you feel. So you need to make sure you eat enough fats, veggies, proteins and maybe some carbs to feel satisfied.

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