
Aviva Method

When, how and in what cases does the Aviva Method help WOMEN?

  1. You conceived in spite of using contraceptives?
  2. You have strong premenstrual or menstrual pains?
  3. Your period lasts more than five days?
  4. You suffer from obesity yet you don’t eat too much?
  5. You are infertile and there is no evident medical explanation?
  6. You suffer from symptoms of menopause?
  7. You only have periods two or three times a year and that bothers you?
  8. If your periods are irregular (e.g. once after two weeks, once after two months).
  9. If you never had a period but you are over 13, 20 or even 30.
  10. Your male partner is also having problems?
  11. You want to preserve your youthfulness? You can stimulate and thus normalise your hormone-levels.

Do the 18 exercises of the Simple Method (30 minutes) twice a week or once in every two days. In lack of time, do the exercises of the Short Method instead (15 minutes).

These exercises stimulate circulation in the reproductive glands and organs thus providing them more hormones, vitamins and oxygen and thus trigger the healing process. The hormone level appropriate to our age and state reacts with the pituitary gland causing it to send the appropriate instructions.

In cases of irregular cycles the Method induces their regularity.

The Method eliminates menstruation cramps. (Start doing the exercises five days before the expected first day of period. Choose the type of methods according to severity of pain – in case of strong cramps, do the Simple Method, otherwise the Short Method may suffice.)

By doing the exercises the duration and quantity of menstruation decreases.

In case of obesity caused by hormone imbalance, the optimised hormone levels reduce appetite (and helps loosing about 5.5 pounds a month).

Optimising hormone balance recovers lost libido (frigidity) and increases fertility.

In cases of lack of ovulation the exercises have to be done from the 3rd day of the period. Do the Simple Method (30 minutes). After multiple miscarriages you should give the uterus 6 months to recover and strengthen. In the first three months do the exercises during all days of menstruation as well , then twice a week. In the next three months do the exercises the same way, but only start from the 3rd day of your period.  

The exercises unblock obstructions in the fallopian tube. Excerises that require the swinging of your legs are especially good for stretching and unblocking fallopian tubes.

In cases of short cycles (18-20 days) do exercise 8 of the Simple Method daily for five minutes. Thus you get one extra day a month and will eventually reach the 28 days.

Doing the exercises twice a week eliminates galactorrhoea (unwanted milk secretion) and enhances postnatal milk secretion.

In cases of infertility avoid pickles and other acid forming food (e.g. food fried in fat or oil, hormone treated meat). The diet should consist mostly of alkaline producing food like vegetables and various nuts for protein. Dress warm and make sure your bed is warm too. Tight jeans or trousers are strictly forbidden for both members of the couple.

If you seem to miss your period on the 28th day, do the Panic Exercises immediately (for 15 minutes at least). Music is not necessary for the Panic Exercises but make sure you do them without stopping.

If you don’t have time for the Panic Exercises, you can always work on the contracting techniques that can be done anytime, anywhere.

If you are familiar enough with the exercises do the 18 moves of the Simple Method intensely on the 24th or 25th day of the cycle without breaks. Observe how many hours will pass until your period starts. If you want to regulate you cycles you must do the exercises exactly this number of hours before the 28th day of your cycle and with as much energy.

That You have an easy pregnancy and delivery, it is recommended to learn the Pregnancy Exercises. After delivery do the Post-delivery Exercises (developed by Judit Púni, one of Aviva’s students).

The 18 exercises if the Simple Method are also recommended for women going through menopause. By regulating hormone levels these exercises will eliminate hot flushes, mood swings and unwanted hair growth. Increased oestrogen levels will delay the development of osteoporosis. Regained regenerating power will also help in reducing cysts and fibroids.

In cases of elderly women, exercises done twice a week will not bring on menstruation but will eliminate the disturbing symptoms of menopause.

The exercises of the Simple Method, the Short Method and the ovulation exercises have to be performed to the rhythm of the music without stopping.

The internal heat of the body reached by the exercises has to be preserved for at least 36 hours. To ensure this, wrap yourself in a blanket and drink hot tea for at least half an hour after the exercises. Never take a shower or a bath ifor 36 hours after finishing the exercises, not even in the summer. The usage of bathing gloves or terry cloth towels is recommended instead; soak the glove or the towel with hot water and refresh your skin with it.

Pregnancy exercises, Post-delivery Exercises and Incontinency Exercises should be done in you own individual rhythm and tempo. You may want to listen to some peaceful music during the exercises.

In cases of incontinency, do the Incontinency Exercises. These exercises are excellent for curing incontinency, uterine prolapse, for shortening long menstruation periods and other age-related issues.


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